Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday's cancelled because of rain.

I had big plans this weekend, but the constant rain has ruined them! I left for Seoul last night so that I could get to Soyosan (a mountain) by 10.45 this morning to climb it with a bunch of other expats to see the autumn leaves. I've decided to try to save a bit more money than I have been, so I booked a dormitory room for the first time ever. So, not only did I sleep poorly, but it rained all night and all morning. I got up early and go ready to go, I even went to the subway station, thinking 'oh it's just a little rain'. Then I checked the weather forecast at the station (they have all these electronic info map things with a bunch of maps, weather, etc., etc.), and it just said it was going to be cold and wet. I only had one set of clothes with me, and was over an hour and a half from Osan (more like 3+ hours if I got to Soyosan), so I didn't go. I would assume the others didn't either. Who climbs a mountain in the rain? Not me. If it's fine tomorrow, I'm going to go to a big park a bit closer to home to try and check out the leaves.

Instead of a mountain, I went to the Seoul art gallery. I've been before and I really enjoyed it (and it's 100% free), but the exhibits today were weird and creepy. Some are I will never understand. Like the type of art where you don't know if it's actually stuff on display or stuff that hasn't been cleaned up. I was only there for about 20 minutes. It was still raining. I was tired, and freezing, so I just got on the train and came home. Then I had a nap, chatted to Matt on MSN, and am now trying to decide what to do with my evening.

1) I really like tuna samgak kimbap (a little like a triangular sushi package). I had it for lunch, and it costs about a dollar.

2) I had some really nice biscuits from the convenience store. most of the biscuits here that I've tried have been soft, more like muffin in biscuit shape, but these were good and crunchy and chocolate.

3) I had a very nice chat with my baby bro.

4) I got on the right train to some home and didn't have to transfer.

5) I'm reading Harry Potter again and I like it.

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