Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spent the day packing Wednesday

I spent all morning packing my stuff... and it's still not all done. Mum and Dad came and took a whole car load of furniture with them, but it'll take one or two more before I'm done. Things are progressing well with Korea - Paul (the recruiter) has all my documents and says they look good, so now I just need to wait for a visa number to come through. I'm also going to need a tourist visa for China because I've decided to take a 21 day (Intrepid - thanks Mum!) tour from Hong Kong to Beijing before I start work in October. I've been advised to fly to Korea first, so my school will refund that trip, then pay for the round trip to China myself. So, I might go early, spend some time in Korea, go do my tour in China, come back, explore Korea a little more, and the start work early October. I'm pretty sure my money will stretch that far :) I'm going to let the plan sit for a couple of days and maybe book it on Friday or Monday. The website 'WebJet' reckons they can do ALL my flights (NZ- Korea; Korea-Hong Kong; Beijing-Korea) for $1,600! That seems so cheap! Wow, I am so so so so excited!

Poor Brook. It is just starting to hit him how much he might miss me, and the excitement of leaving is just starting to hit me. I don't feel sad at all. Most of the time I can't immediately remember why he's looking at me all gooey eyed. I feel a little guilty for not feeling worse. But not really. I'm too excited.

Also, the quinoa experiment continues. This morning I re-heated some, and added the same toppings as yesterday, but I also added some more milk. It moistened the whole thing up and was actually really nice. Go quinoa porridge!

1) I LOVE packing. I take ages over it, but I love it. I get to sort things, clean things, and it means starting something new. Also, I've begun to realise how much I DON'T need. I have a ton of stuff packed away and I never even give it a second though, I really don't need it. I don't even remember what's in some of the boxes. If I were a stronger person, I'd give the whole box to the hospice without opening it. Maybe one day I can aspire to that kind of non-material greatness.

2) I had lunch with mum and dad, which is always lovely.

3) I posted my back-up documents to get stamped by the government. It doesn't look like I'll need them, but I'll feel better having them.

4) I've all but decided not to take the job in Turkey (if they even offer). The thought of a year alone in a small Muslim village is perhaps a little more than I can handle. I know I'm trying to be adventurous, but there's no sense in taking on something you feel rather ridiculously apprehensive about just because you're trying to... I don't know what. Prove you can? I'm not sure.

5)  There was a really cute kid at the post office, trying to lift the flap and see inside the post box. I asked him if there were any monsters in there, and he told me there were not. It was pretty cute :)

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