Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cirque du Soleil Friday

I've been wanting to see Cirque du Soleil for years. Literally, years - and now I have! Matt (my brother) bought tickets to see it with his girlfriend, but I assumed I'd be in Korea by now, so I didn't. However, things fell through with his girlfriend, and her loss was my gain!

The mime guy.

The show was simply amazing! There were so many great performances I have a hard time picking my favourite. Surprisingly, one of the best bits, for me, was the mime. I've always thought miming was kinda dumb and boring, but this guy was fantastic. He did his own sound effects and was really funny. I was laughing so hard! 

Another act I found spectacular was the two trapeze artists... they were on the trapeze together and were so graceful and powerful - hanging off both the trapeze and each other. Sometimes it was hard to tell which body part belonged to which person! 

Also, they had a live band and singing to accompany the show, which I was not expecting. It really added and extra element of awesome to the show. The soundtrack included a lot of really snazzy saxophone music, which I am very partial to, so even the music was enjoyable. The costuming was out-of-this-world too. They'd done an amazing job all 'round, and it was definitely worth the money my brother paid for it :-D

The clowns were excessively creepy, however. Also, none of the above photos were taken by me, please click them for a link to their original website :)

And just to top Friday off - my Korean E2 visa number has been sent to me! Woohoo!

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