Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday's five things

1) It was awesome to see Jetts! She gave me some very cute going away presents - including a singing Tinkerbell card and a cool wall decal to decorate my place in Korea with. I know it will make me think of her whenever I see it and help me not feel so alone when I'm so far away.

2) While we were out we got some amazing blood orange ice cream from a random ice cream shop somewhere by Albert Park. It was so yummy!!

3) I got my passport back - complete with Korean Visa! Yay, all done!!

4) I've watched the first few episodes of a Korean Drama TV series called 'Secret Garden'. The acting is so bad it's funny, but it is sooooo popular over there. If this TV show is anything to go by, Korean people fall in love by staring at each other, men drag the women they have a crush on around like they are a sack of grain, and no one ever kisses anyone else. I think Bones and Grey's Anatomy will remain my favourite TV shows, but I'll keep trying the Korean stuff.

5) I just ate a Whittaker's Peanut Slab, and it was delicious.

Bye Mum and Dad Wednesday

My brother and I just dropped mum and dad off at the airport for their five week trip through Indonesia. I'm really happy for them and hope they have an amazing holiday, but I'm sad too, as it's the last time I'll see them for a while. I'm trying hard not to think about it too much. It's strange because what I'll miss most is just being able to talk to them, but I'll certainly be able to do that whilst in Korea. It's just not the same though. I'm trying to be happy for my last few days with Brook. I feel a little guilty too - like I've got this amazing holiday coming up, with a year spent working abroad, an opportunity that I am so lucky to have, I shouldn't waste any time feeling sad. So I'll try not to!

I spent most of yesterday packing and unpacking, and re-packing my bags, changing bags, changing back, and worrying about weight allowances. I got there in the end and my bags weigh 17.5 kg, so I'm happy with that. I packed my teddy bear at the last minute :)

*     *     *

So, I just read this article, and almost immediately am back to feeling strong and excited. I really find that often these little mental tricks, or slight shifts in thought or focus can really help me.  So, now I am thinking:
- I am in control of myself, my situation, and how I feel about it. If I am unhappy, I can change that.
- I choose how I react to things.
- If it's tough, just take it one little bit at a time. Trying to tackle the thought of an entire year at once in overwhelming, just look over the next few days, one day, hours, one hour. The I can plan, focus, and deal with it.
- The quote "I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet". I have an awesome family, some people don't.
- and the last tip was "Be thankful", find something everyday to enjoy and be thankful for - and that's exactly 
why I started this blog! So, I'm on the right track :)

So, I now that I feel all excited, fist pumping, I-am-woman-hear-me-roar, I'm going to spend that day with my awesome friend Jetts (whose lovely blog inspired this one), and hopefully pick up may passport from the Korean consulate. My five things to be grateful for will follow this afternoon!

Click the picture to go to a the blog of a lady with some real strength.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Korean Consulate Monday

Ok, two main things achieved today! I took my visa form the the Korean consulate after ringing them and finding out that they could have my visa done by Wednesday :) All I needed was my visa number, my passport, a passport photo, and $70. It was really easy (assuming it all goes to plan), and a big load off my mind to have that under way. Because I'm getting my visa done so early, it means I will have to apply for an extension while in Korea towards the end of my contract, but according to my recruiter that should be very simple. So, I can go and pick up my passport complete with E2 visa on Wednesday, and not have to worry about trying to get it done in Hong Kong :) I'm getting kind of keen about going to:

Yes, alone... but I think I could make it fun. I don't think being alone should stop me from doing anything (unless it makes it dangerous). So, maybe a trip to the world's smallest Disneyland :) There's a ton of other things I want tot do and see in Hong Kong, and I only have four days, so not having to do a visa will give me time to visit some of the markets, the Star Ferry, the peak, Madam Tussaurds, this awesome Buddhist nunnery I keep reading about, and so on. There's a great looking walking tour of some markets including a bird market, flower market, goldfish market, night market, and more! I like walking tours :) Also, if I can fit it in I want to take the ferry to Macau and check out some of the Portuguese architecture. So, it should be a pretty full few days!

I'm saving planning my first few days in Seoul for the plane ride over. I've got my Lonely Planet books, and I need all the help I can get getting through 12 hours of flight!

In other news, I took my car in to the mechanic, and to cut a long story involving scanners, leads, plugs, sumps, air pockets, and differentials... he doesn't know what's wrong with it. My car has a computer in it and he said it was reading some errors to do with engine start up (Um, yeah, we ad some engine start up errors!), but that it was running fine now, and he's deleted the errors in case it was just the computer and its sensors having a moment of stupidity. Well, we will see. It seems unlikely to me that this will fix the problem, but if it's a computer problem, we should probably just trying turning it off and then on again. THAT would fix it :-D However, the car had been going absolutely fine all day, so all it has to do is get me home tomorrow!

Tonight though, Brook and I are going out with his parents to a Japanese restaurant in Mt Eden. That should be... interesting. His dad and I don't exactly see eye to eye :) In a nice way, but still.

1) Went to the Korean consulate and started the visa process.

2) Got my car looked at.

3) Brook's mum brought us some macadamia brittle from Makana chocolates. It's pretty much one of the best things in the world. One day I will master making it myself!

4) Japanese food for dinner! I love Japanese!

5) I got to spend lots of really great time with Brook. He came with me to the consulate and to do my car and stuff. He's good company :-D

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sun and Sushi Sunday

Well, I'm back in Brown's Bay to be with Brook for a couple of days, but I almost didn't make it. My trusty car wouldn't start this morning! It finally decided to give up and run, but I've got to take it to the mechanic tomorrow and see what's up. Hopefully it's not too expensive, I don't have much money left after all these travel bookings, travel shopping, and travel related expenses. Dad reckons it might be a spark-plug or something? Anyway, we will see :)

Once I got here, I've had a very nice day with Brook. We got sushi from the amazing Brown's Bay sushi shop and ate it on the beach. He told me all about the plans he has to start his own website business, which sounds really exciting, and fun! I really hope it works for him :) He's also making me hamburgers for dinner - yum!

We're going to go into Queen Street tomorrow and I'm going to check with the South Korean consulate to see if they can get my E2 visa done before I leave next Saturday. I can do it in Hong Kong, but it would be great to have it done and out of the way! If they are anything like the China visa people it should be no problem.

1) I had a great walk on the beach with mum, dad, and Jessie this morning.

2) Yummy sushi for lunch.

3) I did a little work on some lesson planning for Korea and came across a really awesome 'plan a zoo' activity. I think I teach some classes where I am free to teach what I want, and I think that kind of project would be really fun.

4) Hamburgers for dinner!

5) Brook bought me a present. He spent some time in Kerikeri last weekend with his parent and he brought back an awesome kitchen apron for me. It's red (one of my favourite colours) and is really snazzy, with a little hand towel that buttons on to wipe your hands, and a pocket, and everything. It's a great present! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last family dinner Saturday

Today was the last time before I leave that my whole family was together for dinner. We had a really lovely evening, with mum making a gorgeous lamb recipe, and me finally getting the chocolate fondant puddings just about right (those things are pretty tricky to get cooked the correct amount). The food was lovely and I am kind of focused on how much I might miss my family over the coming year now. So, I'm working on being excited instead of sad! There's really nothing to be sad about, as Mum and Dad say they will probably come an visit me halfway through my year in Korea anyway, which will be heaps of fun!

It's really starting to sink in now that this time next week I'll be landing in Korea. It is making me feel a bit stressed out, though there's no concrete reason why. I'm trying to hold on to my happiness and strength to make this a positive experience. I want to feel relaxed, happy, and adventurous! 

1) Had another wonderful walk on the beach today in the brilliant sunshine. The weather has been so gorgeous lately!

2) I enjoyed telling mum and dad about the circus. I think they've decided to go and see it if they get the chance in future years. It really was spectacular.

3) I'm going to see Brook tomorrow. I'm sort of sad for not spending all of these last few days with my family, but he deserves some time and love too :) He thinks he may come and visit me for Christmas, which would be nice (but I'll believe it when I see it).

4) I gave the dog a bath today. She really does not seem to enjoy it, but she certainly enjoys all the extra hugs she gets for being so clean. I love my dog.

5) Yay! I totally almost got the fondant puddings cooked right - they just needed a tad more liquid chocolate in the centre.

Cirque du Soleil Friday

I've been wanting to see Cirque du Soleil for years. Literally, years - and now I have! Matt (my brother) bought tickets to see it with his girlfriend, but I assumed I'd be in Korea by now, so I didn't. However, things fell through with his girlfriend, and her loss was my gain!

The mime guy.

The show was simply amazing! There were so many great performances I have a hard time picking my favourite. Surprisingly, one of the best bits, for me, was the mime. I've always thought miming was kinda dumb and boring, but this guy was fantastic. He did his own sound effects and was really funny. I was laughing so hard! 

Another act I found spectacular was the two trapeze artists... they were on the trapeze together and were so graceful and powerful - hanging off both the trapeze and each other. Sometimes it was hard to tell which body part belonged to which person! 

Also, they had a live band and singing to accompany the show, which I was not expecting. It really added and extra element of awesome to the show. The soundtrack included a lot of really snazzy saxophone music, which I am very partial to, so even the music was enjoyable. The costuming was out-of-this-world too. They'd done an amazing job all 'round, and it was definitely worth the money my brother paid for it :-D

The clowns were excessively creepy, however. Also, none of the above photos were taken by me, please click them for a link to their original website :)

And just to top Friday off - my Korean E2 visa number has been sent to me! Woohoo!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Went to Town Wednesday

I went in to Auckland today and finished buying everything I need for my trip. I'm done now! No more things to think of or buy - woohoo! Apart from some small gifts for the principal, vice-principal, and my new co-teacher. I've been emailing the girl who is the native English teacher at the school (she's amazingly nice), and she thought they'd like that. I think I'll just get some stuff from the airport :)

Also this evening, Granddad came for dinner - it's the last time I'll see him before I go. He didn't seem overly interested, but we had some really nice food. I made tarte tartin for dessert (upside down French apple tart), and it was really nice! I'm generally coerced into making chocolate related things for Dad, but caramel is my favourite, so this tart was great!

1) Finishing my shopping! I now have bug repellent, a travel towel, a luggage lock, pain killers, and a rain poncho to add to my suitcase :) I got the travel towel from Kathmandu, where it was on sale for $11 (down from $40!).

2) I made a very successful tarte tartin, something I have been meaning to make for years. Every time I saw the recipe I always thought I'd like to try making it, and now I have. 

3) I got to use the self-checkout at the supermarket. Maybe it's just the novelty of it, but I think it's fun :-D

4) I got my CELTA certificate finally! I went in to work and picked it up. It's a relief to finally have it. It's safely stored in my 'going to Korea' folder.

5) I'm really really really excited about my trip!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

China Visa Tuesday

My face is back to normal size, and only my ears and chin are still irritated and itchy. I'm pleased it's been so mild! In other, more interesting, news: My passport arrived back today complete with my visa for China! I'm so relieved that it got done so quickly :)

I started packing yesterday. As you know, I was daunted by the task, but it ended up not being so bad. It took me a couple of hours to sort through everything, and I was so worried about the weight limit - how do you fit your life into 20kgs? Haha, well I mock packed my bag, including 4 pairs of shoes, and it weighed in at 10kg! I guess I don't need to worry about the weight after all :D

I'm going into Auckland with mum and dad tomorrow to buy the last few bits and bobs we all need - luggage locks, rain poncho, etc. Not too far off being done now.

I'm a little worried about getting my E2 visa in Hong Kong, but I'll just do my best, and I've been unable to get a 'residency certificate' from the IRD because they are in such a mess over the Christchurch earthquakes. Hopefully they can send me one eventually and then mum can post it over, so I don't have to pay double the tax!

1) Realising I don't have to ration my packing weight too much.

2) Getting my visa for China.

3) Setting up last minute get-togethers with friends before I go.

4) I'm going to pick up my CELTA certificate tomorrow!

5) I finally photocopied my passport, which I've been meaning to do for ages.

Swollen Monday

So, turns out that quinoa breakfast I made for mum? Well, the quinoa was quite old, and I woke up on Monday morning with a hot, red, swollen face! My fist ever allergic reaction, it was a little exciting, but mostly uncomfortable - hence, no post yesterday. My favourite part of the day? Telling my brother my face was swollen, and him going "Oh! I thought you were looking really chubby this morning, but I didn't like to say anything". Classic!

Today's lesson: Eat only new quinoa.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Still haven't started packing Sunday

Yeah, I didn't even THINK about packing. I didn't do anything at all! Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Well, I'd really better do something about it tomorrow :)

1) I made mum my amazing quinoa breakfast. I don't think she was super impressed, but she liked it well enough.

2) We had pizza for lunch. I love pizza!

3) It was another gorgeous day, and another lovely walk on the beach. Just so you know what I'm talking about, here's the beach (taken a couple of years ago):

4) I did do some clothes mending this morning that I've been meaning to do for ages, so the day wasn't completely spent having fun :)

5) sun sun sun sun sun sun sun sun!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mum's Birthday again Saturday

We celebrated Mum's birthday for the second time today. We tend to do that in my family - celebrate everything a good couple of times, just to be thorough. Today was lovely and relaxing. The weather was amazing and we went for two walks on the beach (Jessie thought she'd dies and gone to heaven - two walks in one day!), and the sun shone brilliantly the whole time. Other than that I worked on tidying up my room and unpacking from moving, so I can pack again to go to Korea! Two weeks to go!

As far as packing is concerned, I'm a bit loathe to start because I'm not even really sure where to begin. Perhaps I'll just go through my whole room and make a pile in the middle and then weed things out until I've got it all in one suitcase and a carry on? And if there's to much (I'm foreseeing some shoe issues), I'll send a box. Hopefully I can start tomorrow :)

1) Mum's birthday was great. She loved the present I got her, which was a cool frog wall hanging ornament thing. It's been hung in the kitchen and looks good!

2) I've almost succeeded in teaching Jessie to 'die' when she is 'shot'. Just a little more practice...

3) Mum made duck for dinner and it was delicious!

4) The ocean looked fantastic today. The waves were beautiful, and the sun was lovely. Hopefully we can have a couple more days like this.

5) It looks like my friend Jenni is going to make it back to Auckland to see me before I leave! Awesome!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Power of Attorney Friday

Dad and I went and made him my 'attorney' for while I'm overseas today. It wasn't very exciting, but is another step forward. I also got an email from the China Visa people saying my visa had been done and they had couriered it back to me. It should arrive next week. It was so fast! I was worrying that I should have paid for the 'urgent' one, but they received my passport on Wednesday, sent it to the Chinese embassy yesterday, and emailed me this afternoon to say it was all done and on its way back! Man am I glad I DIDN'T pay the extra $80 or so dollars to make it faster.

I've contacted the IRD about getting a letter so I don't have to pay tax in both Korea and NZ. They told me to email them, but I thought I'd phone instead - sometimes it works better- but when I called (three times throughout the afternoon) the electronic voice told me the waiting time to talk to someone was over an hour! Haha, so I decided their email advice wasn't so bad after all.

Now I just have to decide what to pack... two weeks to go!

1) Mum made/re-heated blueberry custard danishes for breakfast this morning. Enough said, really :)

2) Another gorgeous sunny day. Still very cold, but the blue sky makes everything seems so much better.

3) I washed my bedsheets. There's not too much better than going to bed on fresh sheets with a hot water bottle. The only thing that could make it better is if they were dried on a line outside during summer.

4) I've been reading my Lonely Planet guides to Korea and Seoul, and planning some things to do. They have so many great tips about things such as national parks, hikes, caves, and things I might not think to look up, but would actually really like to see. I want to make the most of the warm weather before it turns freezing! I can visit museums in winter.

5) I'm really enjoying blogging! It's nice to think at the end of each day and remember what's made it nice, even if it's been really 'meh', I can still find nice things that I saw or did. :)

6) One of my favourite Korea blogs, here, has been updated. I was afraid that she maybe got cut in the public school budget slash that lost me my first job in Pyeongtaek, but it seems she's back. I'm glad!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moved out Thursday

I mostly moved out of Brown's Bay today, and back home with my parents. I'm really pleased that I get this time to spend with them before both they and I jet off overseas. I'm a little sad about leaving my little house, though. It was my first real 'home' other than home with mum and dad. I've flatted in a ton of different places, but with Brook in Brown's Bay was the first time I really felt like it was my home, and not just somewhere I slept. So, little Brown's Bay house, I will miss you!

1) My passport is at the Chinese embassy in Wellington. Hopefully the visa process is quick!

2) I went to the doctor today to find out about any immunisations I need for China. Luckily I only needed one for typhoid, and they had it in stock and could do it right there. So, I'm all immunised and ready to go :) No typhoid for me!

3) I'm trying to teach Jessie to 'die' on command. Sam and Charles' dog Buster rolls over on his back when you hold your hand like a gun and say 'bang'. Jessie can already roll-over, we just need to get her to do it on 'bang'. I am determined to get this trick down before I leave :) I really love my dog.

4) It was a gorgeous sunny day today, and when I went for a walk to return my library books I had warm sun the whole way. In the shade it's still freezing, but sun makes it better.

5) I got an e-mail from my friend Jenni, who is living in Queenstown. She's moving back to Auckland soon, and I'm hoping to see her before I leave :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mum's Birthday Wednesday

Today we went out and celebrated Mum's birthday! We went to a really fantastic restaurant, 'Cibo' in Parnell. Man, was it amazing! I forgot to take pictures of the main courses, but I took a couple of shots of entrées and desserts to remember it by. The food was just outstanding. I tend to forget, in my day to day life, that food can be such an art! I mean, I enjoy eating every day (as you can tell from 'top five things' often involving food), but this place really exists on a whole other level. It was a real pleasure to share the experience with my family - thank you guys!

They had some very interesting decorating going on! 

I want to make one of these bird cage things.

Dad's dessert - Black forest brownie in it's own little fry pan.

My 'second' dessert (the first was amazingly yummy fresh doughnuts with chocolate fondue) - red velvet cupcakes. They sound delicious, but were actually the worst part of the meal. Bland and a little stodgy. So pretty though.

Mum's 'rocky road'. All the components were separate, and the chocolate part was somewhere between a fudge, a mousse, and a brownie. The berry sorbet is on top of crushed peanuts, and was so nice!

Matt's 'Devonshire Tea'. Tea infused crème brulee, scone with jam thingie and flash cream thing.

So, all in all, an awesome place to go! And I got to take my new camera on it's first test run. It seems to do everything I want it to, and I'm not the best photographer in the world, so I'm pretty sure it'll work for me :)



3) Spending time with my family.

4) Did I mention I enjoyed my lunch?

5) It was a gorgeous sunny day today :)

And it's still cold Tuesday

All these rumours of snow nearby, but I haven't seen a thing! It is super cold though! I've been wearing my down jacket around though, and it's been doing a fine job. Which is good, because Korea get WAY colder than this. I'm excited to live somewhere where it snows! For a little while, at least.

Not much of note happened today, other than my second set of apostilled documents arrived. It doesn't look like I'll need them, but I'm pleased to have a back-up all the same.

1) My down jacket is awesome.

2) Brook's down duvet is awesome.

3) The public library here in Browns Bay is really well heated.

4) Hot water bottles are awesome.

5) Turning the heater on in the car is awesome.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Now it's REALLY cold Monday

Far out - it is freezing! There's snow in all kinds of places it normally doesn't snow. Not at my house, but apparently there's been some snow/sleet like stuff in Auckland. I've just put my hot water bottle down my jumper and been fine :)

I booked all my accommodation today, and made up a word document telling me the names, addresses and directions to them all. It's all starting to come together now. I've got flights, tours, and accommodation... now for some research into things I might like to see or do, and I'll be about done!

Today I also had lunch from a new sushi place in Browns Bay that Brook wanted to try. Wow - they had the biggest selection of sushi and sushi related foods I've ever seen! The range was huge! The food was fairly good, but it was worth going just to look.

I also started (and finished) a book mum recommended - "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", an autobiography of a self-proclaimed 'Chinese mother'. It was very readable, and really interesting. The points she makes, and her honesty make the book very thought provoking, and I really enjoyed it.

1) My hot water bottle has been my saviour today.

2) The awesome sushi shop range.

3) Booked my hostels. The one I'm staying in in Beijing is called 'Candy Inn', which I think is awesome :)

4) Once again, I like to appreciate the small things - I got this picture as a new desktop wallpaper for my computer. It may be one of the cutest things ever:

5) I spent the afternoon reading with Brook. It was warm, comfortable, and relaxing.

Went to Market Sunday

Brook and I went to the Brown's Bay market on Sunday morning and I got candy floss! I don't really like the candy floss in bags, but the freshly made stuff on a stick is awesome! We wandered around for a bit and I took some photos to remember it by, and possibly to show my students in Korea. Apparently most of them are really interested to see life in other countries. I figured the markets in Korea are pretty different from ours, so it's be fun to compare. I took a couple of photos of Korean stalls (one selling food and the other socks), so I could show them.

Yesterday I also went shopping and got a money belt for travelling in China, and a new camera! I knew the exact camera I wanted, so I had a bit of a look around the shops and managed to find it on sale ($20 off and a free 2GB memory card). Awesome! And it's so small.

Spending all this money makes me nervous though! I've used up half my savings already and I haven't even left yet. However, I keep reminding myself that my school is going to refund at least $1000 of my flight costs, so that makes me feel a little better. And the only thing I have left to buy (I think) are luggage locks :) Travelling sure is expensive.

1) Got my awesome new little camera.

2) Had candy floss on a stick.

3) We went bowling and I was terrible, but not the worst :D

4) There were some really cute rabbits in the pet shop in Brown's Bay.

5) I'm going to book my accommodation on Monday!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shopping Saturday

I spent today shopping with mum and dad for their up-coming holiday in Indonesia. I actually ended up buying a pair of walking sandals, which were on sale and are so comfortable. I reckon they'll be really great for all the walking I'm going to do in China. All the shopping was tiring though!

Best things today:

1) Moving more stuff back home. I'm nearly all done now :)

2) I had a nice lunch at a random Chinese restaurant with mum and dad. We had fried rice and garlic pork ribs.

3) My bargain super awesome sandals.

4) Realising all the little things I hadn't even considered about my trip - like baggage locks, money belts, and so on.

5) I got the laundry washed today and it smelled so nice when I picked it up. Freshly washed clothes are one of the best smells :D

Update on Friday

I can't believe I didn't write on here yesterday! I think it was because I spent so long in front of the computer I didn't want to look at it any more!

Well, I booked my tour with Intrepid, all my flights, and got my travel insurance... and it took hours! Not so much the actual buying of them, but researching, checking, and filling out six million on-line forms! I also organised to get my China visa done, and I'm posting off my passport today to get it put in. Because I'm leaving in three weeks, it seems very unlikely that I will have time to get both my visa for China and my teaching visa for Korea - especially since the recruiter just emailed and asked me to resign my contract with a "thicker pen". He's has it for about four days and only now he wants a different pen? This is why it ends up taking so long! So, evidently, my documents have not been submitted to Korean immigration yet, so my visa number will not be available for over a week, more like two. Good thing I have a plan!

The original plan was to do a visa run to Japan after my tour around China. I did a little reading on this, and man it sounds complicated! And expensive! And Japan is all earthquake and radiation-ful. Ok, not all of it, but I think it might affect all the people emotionally. So, that was looking like it might be a pain in the bum. And then I remembered I'm going to Hong Kong! A quick bit of googling later and it seems that getting a Korean E2 visa in Hong Kong is quick and easy, so I'm spending four days in Hong Kong, getting my visa (hopefully) done there, then starting the tour on the evening of day four. If that all works out, then great, and if not, I'll just have to go to Japan.

As for the rest of the trip, I'm spending five days in Seoul, four in Hong Kong, 20 on the tour around China, one extra night in Beijing, and then am flying to Busan down the bottom of Korea and spending eight days coming back up to Seoul to meet my school on the 11th of October. I haven't' booked any accommodation yet, as I'm waiting for my flights to be confirmed/to get my e-tickets, but I have planned the hostels I want.

Right, well, now I have to go an re-sign my contract with a "thick" pen. Felt pen maybe?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Painting Thursday

I'm quite tired tonight because I spent most of the day at work with Brook sanding and painting some walls for a new lighting display they are making. He said it was a lot of work, so offered to go in and help because I don't have much to do during the day. I thought we'd be doing it together, but I ended up doing it all myself while he did other things :p

1) I had an interesting Korean snack at morning tea - little mushroom shaped things with biscuit for the stem and chocolate mushroom heads. They were weird, cute, and yummy.

2) I painted two walls blue. It was messy and very time consuming, but I liked being able to see the results of my work so quickly.

3) I went for a walk in the sun today.

4) I'm reading a really predictable romance novel... and really enjoying it!

5) I'm going to book my trip tomorrow! China and Korea, here I come!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spent the day packing Wednesday

I spent all morning packing my stuff... and it's still not all done. Mum and Dad came and took a whole car load of furniture with them, but it'll take one or two more before I'm done. Things are progressing well with Korea - Paul (the recruiter) has all my documents and says they look good, so now I just need to wait for a visa number to come through. I'm also going to need a tourist visa for China because I've decided to take a 21 day (Intrepid - thanks Mum!) tour from Hong Kong to Beijing before I start work in October. I've been advised to fly to Korea first, so my school will refund that trip, then pay for the round trip to China myself. So, I might go early, spend some time in Korea, go do my tour in China, come back, explore Korea a little more, and the start work early October. I'm pretty sure my money will stretch that far :) I'm going to let the plan sit for a couple of days and maybe book it on Friday or Monday. The website 'WebJet' reckons they can do ALL my flights (NZ- Korea; Korea-Hong Kong; Beijing-Korea) for $1,600! That seems so cheap! Wow, I am so so so so excited!

Poor Brook. It is just starting to hit him how much he might miss me, and the excitement of leaving is just starting to hit me. I don't feel sad at all. Most of the time I can't immediately remember why he's looking at me all gooey eyed. I feel a little guilty for not feeling worse. But not really. I'm too excited.

Also, the quinoa experiment continues. This morning I re-heated some, and added the same toppings as yesterday, but I also added some more milk. It moistened the whole thing up and was actually really nice. Go quinoa porridge!

1) I LOVE packing. I take ages over it, but I love it. I get to sort things, clean things, and it means starting something new. Also, I've begun to realise how much I DON'T need. I have a ton of stuff packed away and I never even give it a second though, I really don't need it. I don't even remember what's in some of the boxes. If I were a stronger person, I'd give the whole box to the hospice without opening it. Maybe one day I can aspire to that kind of non-material greatness.

2) I had lunch with mum and dad, which is always lovely.

3) I posted my back-up documents to get stamped by the government. It doesn't look like I'll need them, but I'll feel better having them.

4) I've all but decided not to take the job in Turkey (if they even offer). The thought of a year alone in a small Muslim village is perhaps a little more than I can handle. I know I'm trying to be adventurous, but there's no sense in taking on something you feel rather ridiculously apprehensive about just because you're trying to... I don't know what. Prove you can? I'm not sure.

5)  There was a really cute kid at the post office, trying to lift the flap and see inside the post box. I asked him if there were any monsters in there, and he told me there were not. It was pretty cute :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Planet of the Apes Tuesday

We went and saw the new (prequel) Planet of the Apes today. It was so well done! The apes looked super realistic, though the whole movie was a bit sad - not exactly full of laughs, but very good. I'd recommend giving it a go. the reason we went to the movies in the middle of the day is that it finally hit Brook that I was leaving soon(ish) and he's gone all clingy and I-want-to-spend-time-with-you. If he keeps going at this rate, I'll be pleased to leave! Nah, it's not THAT bad :)

Anyway, I had an interview for a job in Turkey today. Yeah, I know Korea, right? Well, I applied for this job randomly on Trademe, and they wanted to interview me. I'm really hoping they don't put me through to the next round, otherwise I'm going to pee myself with fear at having to drastically change my plans and move to a small Muslim town in Turkey. Haha, nah that'd be pretty exciting! Turkey, not peeing myself. I think the interview went well. I rambled on about cultural sensitivity and God knows what else, but the school sounds very progressive and interesting. The deal is the same as Korea (ie: paid accommodation and airfares), so it's a win-win situation.

1) The quinoa breakfast experiment went well. I made quinoa porridge with cinnamon apple and toasted almonds, and it was pretty tasty and very filling. Here is a photo:

2) Planet of the Apes was very enjoyable.

3) I spent some time reading on the couch with Brook and watching the fish. It was nice and relaxing.

4) My second criminal check came in the mail, so I'm ready to send off my back-up documents tomorrow to get apsotilled.

5) Prawns for dinner!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nice Monday

Today has been chilly, but pleasant. Didn't do much of mention, but had fun not doing it :)

1) I worked out how to sign my contract for Korea on my computer, so I don't have to sign a new contract and courier it over again. All I had to do was take a photo of my signature, make it usable in photoshop and pop it onto the contact in the 'sign here' areas. It looks pretty good too :)

2) Brook and I went to the library today and I got out a really interesting looking book about the myths people believe to do with health and the world in general. I havent' read it yet, but it could be really interesting (or total crap), but I love coming home with new books.

3) I'm making slow cooked beef for dinner and it smells delicious! Recipe is here. I'm normally not a huge Jamie Oliver fan, but this looks pretty good so far.

4) We went last night and saw 'Horrible Bosses'. It was pretty funny. Dumb-ass story line, but funny comedy.

5) I bought quinoa at the supermarket today. I'm going to try making quinoa porridge for breakfast. I will update on this attempt tomorrow!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Relaxing weekend Sunday

I've had a lovely relaxing time at home, and some totally wonderful food! It was really nice to celebrate my birthday with my family (especially because I probably won't be next year). There have been some developments on the Korea front...

I've been offered a job at a public school in a rural area about 40-50min south of Seoul. At first I was very sceptical because when I looked on Google Maps the place where the school is, it's a tiny little town/collection of building. However, I emailed the current teacher, and she said she actually lives in the near-by city, so has plenty to do in the evening and what not. So, this sounds pretty good. What with the extreme scarcity of GEPIK jobs at the moment, this could be what I've been waiting for. I'm not going to hold my breath though... until I get that Korean E2 visa in my passport (and even maybe then), I'm not going to assume anything is for sure.

This job doesn't start until October though, which means I have some time to do some travelling before hand. I'm thinking a tour through China would be great, end up in Shanghai, fly to Busan at the bottom of Korea, work my way up through Korea, end up in Seoul for a few days and then go to work. This is all pretty much dependent on visa stuff and whatever though. And it's pretty short notice to try and book a tour, but we'll see what happens next week :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

At home Thursday

I've been at home with mum, dad, and Matt today.
It has been a bit of a hard day for me because I am feeling really unmotivated about Korea. The whole thing feels as though it has become a chore rather than an adventure :( Perhaps my visit to the travel agent tomorrow will help to reignite my passion for travelling.

1) Matt made stodgy, but yummy chocolate pudding after dinner.

2) I hugged my mum.

3) The waves on the beach looked amazing.

4) I sat on the deck in a bean bag, in the brilliant sunshine, and read a book.

5) I hugged my dog.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's my birthday Wednesday

I've had a lovely birthday today, and last day of work at school.
My friend Jennifer sent around a card at work and everyone signed it, which was so nice! My friend Hannah gave me a lovely box of chocolate truffles, and one of my classes found out it was my birthday and wrote 'Happy Birthday Sam!' on the board before class and sung me happy birthday. All very sweet :)

Also, after work I went out with Jennifer, Ewen, and Hannah and had a drink and a pizza. We swapped some pretty funny work stories and had a chance to say goodbye. I really enjoyed it. I wished we'd done it more when I wasn't leaving! This is definitely something I'll have to remember for the future :)

Lastly, Brook and I went out to Renkon for dinner, and I had some yummy chicken, and then an amazing chocolate ice-cream affogato from Movenpick. Seriously, it was awesome!

I was a bit sad to be leaving work, because I really like the job, but I will certainly NOT miss the two to two-and-a-half hour commute into the city every day! I will miss the students, the other teachers, and the supportive work environment, though. I reckon it was a pretty awesome first teaching job.

Also, on the Korea front, I'm moving ahead with operation 'go to Korea without a job'. I'm going into the travel agent on Friday to talk about it. I really just want to get going. I'm ready to go, and being there might help me get the job I want. I've also decided (thanks Dad) to get another complete set of documents ready, so I will have one with me and one already in Korea, just in case. I rang the Ministry of Justice today, and luckily they will reissue me with a criminal check right away, so I don't have to reapply and wait again. Good news!

1) I got a card, some chocolates, and lovely birthday wishes from everyone.

2) THE affogato.

3) My criminal check should be quick.

4) I just looked at my passport, and my face looks exactly like it did in 2004 when I was 17. No wonder people tell me I look young!

5) Last day of work! No more waking up at 6am to ride the freezing bus to work. Woohoo!

Birthday Bonus Things:

6) I had a steak pie for breakfast. Why? Peanut butter on toast doesn't cut it on your birthday!

7) I realised that I possibly do have some sort of entrepreneurial own-my-own-business kind of streak. I thought I was destined to work for others forever, but it turns out, I can think of some other options :)

8) My students drew portraits of each other today. Some of the results were hilarious!

9) I wore a different dress to work today and heaps of people told me how nice it was and that they liked it. Honestly, like 5 or 6 people at different times commented on it :)

10) I've lost 1/2 a kg of the 3kgs I've put on since starting work/winter arriving. The key? Stop eating junk food and chocolate bars! Second key? Reduce carbs :) Thanks mum!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thanks Dad Tuesday

Thanks, Dad! You're the best!
Mum, you're not too bad either.

Love you lots.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quick Quick update (still Monday)

So, just interviewed the Hagwon (private school) owner. Yes, you read right - I interviewed him. He had no questions for me and could think of hardly anything to say other than he wanted to hire me and work with me. Not in a creepy way, in a friendly way. However, his knowledge of his own school was brief, and he was nervous about his English (poor guy), even though it was quite good (he even self-corrected his 'is/are' mistakes). He was not horrible as I had hoped. However, he was not terribly convincing, and I found out the apartment is small.

So, I looked up 'how to make decisions', and came across this gem. It basically boils down to: is this thing 'you'. I just don't think this job is 'me'. I want something new and different. The recruiter tells me Gwangju is a wonderful city of 1 million people with mountains and a sports stadium, and not too far from the sea. Well, I already live in a city of 1 million people with mountains and stuff, and I live right by the sea. I want Seoul with its unbearable bustle, pollution, and subway system. I can come live in NZ any time, I want to try something a bit different. There, I said it. I think I made a decision!

The only reason I keep coming back to consider this job is because I worry I won't get a better offer. I am in an amazing position though... I can wait for weeks till the right one comes along. So, unless I have an amazing change of heart overnight (which lest face it, is not at all impossible), I'm not going to take this job.

Haha, now to mentally compose and recompose possible emails to say 'thanks but no thanks' without offending anyone. Perhaps I should just send them a link here? I really do over-think things.

Now all I have to ask in the future is: Is this really me? Problem solved :D

Quickly, quickly Monday

Not only was today a very fast day, but recruiters from Korea are putting the pressure on! Today's teaching practically flew by, with a new class of intermediate students in the morning, and some upper-intermediate in the afternoon. I have kind of checked out of work mentally since I only have two days to go... it's a little hard to stay 100% committed when you're leaving. I'm not skimping on the teaching, that's for sure, but I'm not being as thorough with learning names and what not as I would be if I were staying.

As for the Korea situation... Well, I've been offered a job in Gwangju, right down the bottom of Korea. When I decided to go private school after the public thing went bust, I specified that I wanted 2.2 million won at least, in one of my preferred cities close to Seoul, with a two room apartment. I'd also quite like to teach kindergarten. This job offer is none of those things, but it comes very highly recommended and is about 10 hours a week less than any other job available. It goes from 1.30 pm to 7.30 pm - which is another of my worries. I'm really not a night time person! I know I can just push my day forward, though, and hopefully work fine and have energy after work. I'm not sure whether to take this job and hope for the best, or hold on for something I'm 100% comfortable with (which I'm not sure is even possible anyway). Also, they are urging me to make a decision quickly because their current teacher is leaving this week. I'm trying not to hurry my deliberations. I keep wavering back and forth between 'just do it' and 'no! it's not right!'. I'm talking to the director through Skype in about an hour, so hopefully he will be horrible and make my decision for me :)

1) I ate apple with peanut butter for the first time today. It was yum! Almost as great as apple with cheese.

2) I bought my mum's birthday present. It is awesome, and that's all I'm saying :D

3) A couple of my old students wanted my email address today so that when I go to Korea they can get in contact and maybe meet up with me.

4) I might be stressing a bit about this job thing, but I should remember how lucky I am to be able to choose. To have too many choices, in fact. How many people can say that about their employment at the moment?

5) I love you, mum and dad!