Monday, May 14, 2012

Where'd it go? Monday

Wow, where did last week go? And more importantly, where'd my weekend go?! Time sometimes seems to be racing so fast.

So, the weekend. Courtney and I were going to see the Avengers movie in the afternoon, but the website we got our tickets through messed up and it sold out. Instead we went to see 'Mirror Mirror' and I'm actually really glad we did. I think I enjoyed it more than I would have the Avengers, and it was so funny. We both really enjoyed it. Then we went to an all you can eat Korean BBQ place, which we've been to before, but not for age. Sadly, I could barely taste a thing because of my sinuses. And my ears were blocked too, so I couldn't hear properly.

Hehe, all this for two people. And this was only round 1!

From to to bottom: Marinated pork; spicy stuff we couldn't work out if it was a vegetable, meat, or what; my calamari and an octopus (bland!!).

Chewy and no flavour - I think I didn't know how to eat it.

On Sunday I decided to go to the doctor because I couldn't taste or smell at all, and my ears felt blocked and my hearing on one side was seriously impaired. So I went to the doctor and they reckon I've got sinusitis, so I'm on another round of antibiotics. This time though, they said I have to take more than three days worth, so I have to go back on Wednesday to get a new prescription. Apparently they can't give me more than 3 days at a time and can't give me a repeat script. Luckily, when I asked at work today, it turns out Wednesday arvo is a sports day so school was more than happy for me to leave after lunch to go to the doctor.

All this for only three days. The green stuff is throat gargle and is disgusting.

Today my ear is a bit better, but still blocked, and my nose is a lot less runny, but my sinuses still feel really swollen. I also still can't taste or smell :(

Anyway, Saturday I saw the movie and had dinner, and Sunday I went to the doctor, and also went shopping at the Osan market, which gets extra big on certain weekend days - and Sunday was an extra big day. I got lots of good things cheaper than the supermarket. I made home made chilli sauce out of the chillies, and pumpkin soup out of the pumpkin - both using my blender. That was a seriously good buy - I'm getting so much use out of it!

Grapes, capsicum, carrots, pumpkin, chillies, kiwifruit, and a cauliflower.

Next weekend I'm going to a meetup in Seoul at the Seoul horse racing park and then to a small theme park nearby. However, the leader of the group emailed me on Sunday to say she's had to go to hospital to have her appendix out and could I host/run the meetup? My first reaction was 'Hell no! That's way too scary/difficult/hard work'. Then I was like 'Shut up, Sam. Do it'. 
So I did. 
So, next weekend I'm taking a bunch of expats to bet on horse races and to a theme park - both places I've never been :) Go me!

On the food and fitness front things are going really well. Food is getting easier and easier. I'm proud of myself for making such good changes and making such good progress when I've been sick for the past... ages. Since the first week of April. I'm getting stronger, too. I'm still pathetically weak, but not as much as I was. One day I'll be able to do a push up :)

Today's five things:

1) I've hardly had to blow my nose at all today.

2) I got another section of my article written to draft stage. I think I'll finish tomorrow.

3) It was chicken soup day at work. I like the chicken soup the lunch ladies make.

4) I have all of Wednesday afternoon off to go to the doctors. Score!

5) My after school kids wanted to do some stuff on food this week, so as a surprise I've planned a lesson on Thursday where we learn some words to describe food. Then, I'm going to blindfold them and give them some different stuff to eat and they have to use the words we learned to describe it :) I think it'll be fun.

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