Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shopping Spree Thursday

I've had a wonderful last few days doing pretty much nothing but play StarWars. I've been having a great time, and occasionally even teaming up with mum and dad to do some stuff. It's really fun that we can connect like that and play together since I can't see them :)

However, I literally didn't leave the house at all for about two days, and started to feel a bit cooped up. Last night I went out and had a really lovely dinner and chat with Courtney.  It's not too often I come home from a time out feeling like not only did I enjoy the food and the company, but the conversation too. I very much enjoyed talking to Courtney... looking forward to more dinners in the future!

And today I went to Seoul specifically to go shopping for things I don't expressly need. I gave myself a rather large budget of $300, but didn't even get close to it :) I took the train from Osan into Myeongdong, one of the top shopping districts in Seoul. 

There was a store there I'd read about and wanted to visit. It's called 'Forever 21' and is a chain store from America, but I'd read the Seoul was one very large, well laid out, clean, and well priced. Well, OMG it was clothing heaven. Three floors of clothing, in many different styles (most of it a little wacky+feminine, which is sort of my thing anyway). I had a great time! I tried heaps of stuff on, and spent about two hours and $160 in there. I will definitely be going back if I feel the need to clothes shop. It truly was a great store, and everything ranged from $20-$40! Some stuff (plain, wardrobe 'staple' type things like singlets) was only a few dollars. I think I'm in love.

Here's what I bought (taking photos in the mirror doesn't give the best result):

New shirt and new pants.

New jacket - which I love the best.

Attempting to pull off the 'tucked in' look.

New t-shirt

New whatever you call this top. I got a new scarf too, black, dark aqua and silver sparkles. It's awesome.

And now: WARNING!!! Personal womanly medical stuff coming up! I'm writing this in case some poor soul tries googling it, comes across my page and needs some info :) So, I went to the doctor last Saturday for my cough. He gave me a bunch of pills, none of which I knew what they were. One of them must have been antibiotics, because what always happens when I take antibiotics? That's right: thrush.

I felt the signs earlier in the week and was like 'oh, come on body... don't do this to me. I'm living in Korea...COME ON!'. But no. So, I figured I'd better do something about it. I looked up the words for it in Korean, wrote them down and went to the pharmacy. I was hoping they could just give me something, and that I wouldn't have to go to the doctor again. It is cheap, but it's inconvenient. So, first pharmacy I tried, I gave the lady my bit of paper, and she refused to deal with me at all. Confused and disheartened, I went to the next pharmacy around the corner. Again, lady pharmacist - good sign right? They are nice, but confused and tell me to go to the hospital, I need a prescription. Well, bummer. I walk a few more shops and there's a bigger, more professional looking pharmacy. Ok, one more shot. Damn, male pharmacist... little embarrassed now, but I'm in the shop already. I give him my paper. "OK" he says and points to his foot questioningly. "No" I say, my face clearly indicating where it is. "Oh" he says, "OK". and proceeds to give me two types of medicine and detailed miming of how to use it :D Again, a little embarrassed, but now I've got my medicine, no doctor necessary. So, the moral of the story is: In Korea, if one person tells you 'no', it might just mean they don't want to deal with you, or don't know how, not that what you want isn't possible.

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