Wednesday, January 18, 2012

No Chicken Wednesday

I didn't get my fried chicken! :'(
Courtney, her workmate Mike, and I were all ready and seated at the chicken restaurant, when Jen and Nyasha called to say that they'd decided they wanted ddeok-galbi instead, and that their workmates were going, so they were too. I was disappointed, and thought it was a little bit rude to sort of demand a change in plans like that. So, we went and had ddeok-galbi (kind of say it like 'dok-galbi) instead. It's the second time I've had it, and it's ok. It's pleasant enough, but I like fried chicken or Korean BBQ a lot more. It's chicken, vegies, and rice-cakes stir-fried with a red sauce in the middle of the table. It's nice, I just don't find it particularly thrilling. And I was hanging out for fried chicken all day! Maybe I'll/ we'll go get some tomorrow night instead :)

In other news, I've ordered StarWars: The Old Republic from Amazon, and it should be arriving in the next few days (though the fact that this weekend is lunar new year may slow it down). I had to enter my address here in English on Amazon, as they wouldn't accept hanguel (Korean script), so I hope the package will make it ok. I asked around last night and Jen said she'd had heaps of stuff sent to her and had never used her address in hanguel, so that's hopeful. Anyway, I hope it gets here soon, I'm excited to play!

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