Saturday, March 16, 2013

Update on a Sturday

So, I've been hard at work and super exhausted for the past couple of weeks! I've been getting the hang of things at work, which has really taken a lot out of me, but I've been having a lot of fun, too. I can't remember all the stuff that's gone on in the last little while, and I can't be bothered trying to write a massive update post anyway :) So, here's the highlight reel!

I've been really enjoying teaching and have some lovely students in my classes. So far it's been easy to get students to participate and everyone seems polite and pleasant. The same goes for the people I work with - everyone is always keen for a chat, or to help out of give advice. It seems to be a very positive and supportive environment thus far - which is awesome. It feels fantastic to be teaching again! My skills definitely need some improvement though. However, I have to keep reminding myself to just relax and let myself settle in before I start trying to become 'super teacher' - otherwise it'll all just become too much.

In terms of non-work things I spent the day out in Seoul with Negative Nathan last Saturday. He got WAY too negative for my tastes and, in fact, is a truly strange individual who I'm not that keen on spending the whole say with alone again. Life is hard enough without adding more negativity to the mix, in my opinion.

I've eaten at home for 4 of the past 6 evening, and packed my lunch for work each day - which is not only healthier, but better for my money! 

And last Sunday I spent the day decorating a chair I found in the trash area of my building. It was in fine condition, so I "pimped it" :D I'm happy with the outcome, from a technical point of view, but I don't really like the colours or patterns I ended up with. Considering I had no idea what I was doing, I think it was a great first project, though.

'Rubbish chair'

Pimped chair
I also picked up an awesome picture frame with no art in it just begging to be filled with something amazing. I just haven't found the right materials yet.

1 comment:

  1. You still have a flair for all things artistic.
