Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spagna on Saturday

So, yesterday's post was supposed to have pictures with it, but for some reason they didn't upload. I'll work on this.
Today I managed to sleep until 6.30am, which is about my normal wakeup time, so I'm getting into the swing of things now.
After I woke up, I read my book for a bit, then went to get some breakfast. I ended up with an ok sandwich thing with ham and cheese. Then I managed to catch the train to piazza Spagna, where there's this famous old church joined to this famous old town by these famous old steps. The steps are called the Spanish steps, for reasons I don't remember. There's not a lot of information at these sites around Rome. You mind of have to do the research yourself, or have guidebook or something. Anyway, it was really a lovely place, and I got there in time to hear the church bells right 11am, which was cool. I walked up all the steps, sat down for a while, watched all the people, and took some photos. It was a right and sunny day today, so it was very nice to just sit and watch. The spot wasn't insanely crowded, but it was busy. I'd hate to be here during the high season, it would be horrible!

Anyway, after I'd sat for a while, I went for a walk around the small town bit down the steps. It really all looks just like the Italy you see it pictures. But this area of town housed all the designer stores like Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo, and so on. I had a bit of wander and then went to find the Villa Borgese, which is kind of like Rome's central park. Well, it was a different exit from the same subway station, so I wen4 to find it. I swear, I rode over a kilometre of travelator! No kidding, they went on and on! And then I emerged from this subway exit into the middle of nowhere. Seriously, there was grass, trees, some gravel and that was it. No foot path or signs pointing the way. I took photo of it to show its middle of nowhere-ness. Anyhow, I just sort of followed my nose and ended up at the park.

It was such a lovely park! So romantic. I walked around and sat around it for hours. I made my way to a small pond with this really cool island in the middle with pillars and statues on it, and there were couples in row boats, and ducks. It was really cute. I didn't find the gallery that the park is famous for because Myles, and especiall5 me left k eek started to Burt, so I was taking it really easy and didn't want to wander around looking for it too much. It's ok, the park was enough for me.

While we're on the subject of Shepard and how it was romantic, people here are way more affectionate with their boyfriend or girlfriend than what I'm used to. Like even old couples are all over another. And the younger ones? All Oberon another and their tongues in eachothers mouths. Ew. But nice. But ew.

Anyway, by the time I was done with Shepard it was about 2pm and I needed lunch. So I headed back to piazza Spagna to find some food. Immediately I came across a r3ally popular place selling pizza by the slice out of a hole in the wall. Perfect! I got a prosciutto and parmesan pizza slice, which was the perfect size a d tasted so good! I thought that maybe it'd be really crappy because I was in such a tourist area, but it tasted pretty good to me! Success!

On the way home I stopped at the train station and worked out how to buy a ticket to Naples. Seems pretty straight forward. I might go in Wednesday. I'll decide on Monday evening what I want to do. Right now I'm back in my room having a rest. I'm a little worried about my knee. Hopefully a good nights sleep will fix it. I've chosen where I want to go for dinner tonight, and I want to try the gnocchi. I'll report back on that!

Tomorrow I'm leaving this hostel and moving to a different one, maybe 20 minutes walk away, towards the centre of town. It's a little more expensive than here, but I'll have my own bathroom, and I won't have to walk 20 minutes both ways just to get anywhere.

Ok, top five things I like about Rome so far:
1) The men are all really good looking. Like, seriously, they are all handsome!

2) You basically fall over really awesome looking old stuff wherever you go. Its everywhere.

3) (touch wood) the weather is lovely. Cool, crisp and clear so far.

4) Italian is just close enough to English that you can tell what about 70% of the signs say without having to know Italian.

5) Food had been pretty high quality so far, especially considering that crappy places I've bought it from.

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