Thursday, August 23, 2012

Origami swans Thursday

Well, my influx of classroom time was short lived. I managed to be in two classes today (out of 5) and during that time I got to read 12 lines of text once. I'm a bit surprised that I am still complaining about this really. I mean, it's been the same for nearly a year now. Apart from that one glorious week at the start of the school year when Mr B gave me a third of the teaching schedule as 'English only time', and I got to teach alone. It only lasted, maybe, six days though.

Anyway, cute-as-Grandma's-kid (that almost sounds like a race horse) gave me a couple of origami birds he made. It was really sweet :) Sadly, it's my last summer-camp after school class today. I'm not sure what's going to happen next week. I assume I'll get a new after school class. Well, I hope so - it's sort of the only pleasure I get out of my work day. It's also the only work I do in my work day :)

I've got a pretty busy weekend planned! I'm looking forward to it. Tomorrow night I'm meeting up with a bunch of other teachers in Osan and we're going to dinner and then to Songtan to some bar that does country dancing (Yeah, I don't know, but it could be fun? Haha, mum). On Saturday I'm going to a meetup with TMI Amy to Seoul Grand Park and out for pizza for dinner. Then on Sunday I'm going to work on something for Jess' wedding (which I can't go to, but I am happy for!). I'm also going to make an awesome intro video to send to prospective employers. 

You'll notice the lack on Andy in the above plan? Well, that's because I keep inviting him to things and he says things like "I don't know" or "I'm not sure", or the weirdest "I have no idea". (Seriously: "hey Andy, I want to go hiking with a meetup group next Saturday. Would you like to go with me?". Answer: "I have no idea". Oooookaaaay). I assume all these things mean 'no' because if you really like someone and want to do things with them, you'd just say "yeah, I'd love to!", or at the very least "Hm, I don't really like hiking. How about we hang out on Sunday instead?". So, rather than sit around home and wonder when he's going to feel like randomly contacting me to hang out in a coffee shop (because he's decided the air in my house is not good for him - "it has no freshness"), I'm gonna go get on with things and he can get his fresh air elsewhere.

In other news, I can hear the intro videos mr B is watching as he tries to find a new English teacher to replace me. They all sound like such nice people. Interestingly, it's all girls. I think they first teacher this school had was a guy, maybe they had a bad experience or something. Anyway, the one who chooses, if she's got her wits about her, should ask to talk to me about the job. I will be professional.

Sadly, this job doesn't even have that as a perk.

Lol, it's not 'stay late', it's "come to work today".
Mwahahaha! That was fun. And now that my work bitterness if out for another day, let's have a look at today's five things:

1) Tiny origami birds made by a cute kid are awesome.

2) I ate an entire bag of marshmallows last night and completely ruined my dinner. Now that I'm 25, I am totally allowed to do this.

3) I'm cooking up another idea for something to try and get published (still waiting to hear about the last one). I'm going to try and work on this one with my laptop in coffee shops, because that's where cool people work, right? Plus, I need to get out more. Amazingness is probably not hiding in my apartment.

4) A parcel from Jenni is waiting for me to pick it up today after work! Wooooo - I'm so excited! I hope it has yummy things inside it!

5) It's nice and cool today. Most of the humidity has gone, so I'm enjoying not feeling sticky 24/7. I have plans for this winter. Involving leggings and boots.

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