Sunday, November 27, 2011

Custard Chickens Sunday

Today was my trip to the zoo with Laura. We had a great day!

Well, first things first, I made my second attempt at Pa-Jeon this morning, and the came out great! They are my breakfast for the next few days. Then I went to the subway station and caught the train an hour into Seoul to the Zoo. Laura had a bit of trouble getting there, ad was a little late, but it was actually a good thing because as I sat waiting, I noticed this shop in the subway station selling bird shaped pastries. After watching for a minute, I decided to try some and just pray there was no red bean paste hiding in wait. I was in luck! They were delicious little birds filled with custard. They were the perfect size to eat in two bites, which gave me the luxury of first biting off their tasty custard head. Who doesn't love a headless chicken?

Making Pa-Jeon.

It tastes better than it looks!

Custard chicken shop

Mmmm, custard chicken.
Anyway, when I finished my snack, an old Korean guy sat next to me and shoved something in my face. He was giving me some tteok, or rice cake, to eat. Oh, the horrors! Not only do I dislike rice cakes, but this was an extra special read bean variety! I was trying to be polite, so I took it and started to eat it. Then, the old guy on the other side of me (not to be out done by the first guy) gave me a mandarin. I chatted to them for a minute, and then pretended I had to go to the bathroom, but secretly I was ditching the red bean rice cake :-D. Luckily, Laura showed up just then, so we went to the zoo.

Ew. Red bean tteok.

It was a bit of an overcast day today, but pretty warm compared to some of the days this past weeks, so that was nice. It did rain on us later in the day, but we got a good walk around the zoo in before that. We took the chairlift to the zoo entrance, which was really nice, and we discovered we are both scared of getting on and off chair lifts :-D Once we got to the zoo, we just explored, watched the seal and dolphin show, saw a hippo do the most epic hippo poo in history (seriously, it wagged its tail REALLY fast and flung poo everywhere!! It was like a poo propeller). And we took photos and Laura bought a winter hat that is a tiger's head. Korea must be getting to me because this seemed totally normal, and she didn't even look weird or stand out wearing it. I tried these tiny ice cream ball things that weren't that great, and some BBQ squid, which was also not great.

Chair lift ride.

I'm being an otter.

THE hippo

This elephant gave every impression of dancing to the music that was playing. It was weird.

Ice cream balls.


Creepy sloth.

Mmmm, BBQ tentacles.

About 3pm we decided to call it a day, and I caught the train home. I had a really good time! On the way home I decided I wanted to splash out and get a pizza for tonight and tomorrow night's dinner, so I did. Luckily, the Korean for 'peperoni pizza' is 'bepaloni bi-ja', so that's what I got :-D Yum!

Cute pizza box. They give you gherkins with pizza here.

Mmmmm, pizza.

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