Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thunderstorm Thursday

It is totally bucketing down. And my lovely silver sandles are falling apart as a result. They might be salvageable with some care and some superglue, but I need new dress sandles, stat! Which is a problem when you're feet are size 9.5-10 and Korean women's shoes only go up o a smallish size 8. However! I have just been informed by google that there is a three story American shoe store in Myeongdong selling a variety of women's shoes up to size 10. So, this Saturday, that's where I'm heading. I'm hopeful they'll have some winter boots too, as the fashion season is just changing. I'd love some boots. But, mostly I need some sandles to wear to work that don't look like casual going to the beach or hiking shoes.

In other news, I've moved into my own apartment.It's lovely! I'll post some pictures as soon as it's finished.

Work's back to normal, new semester, new students, but pretty much the same. In a good way.

The end :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Phew it's Friday!

Wow, what a week! Kid's camp isn't as bad as I had feared, but it sure is a lot of time with pretty young children. I'm not totally exhausted yet, but I am in danger of losing my voice. Haha, I could try teaching using the silent method? Probably not the best idea.

Tomorrow is my birthday! Amy sent me a package, which I'm saving to open :) The suspense!

This week's five things:
1) I signed for my new apartment on Tuesday night! Woohoo! it's going to be awesome.

2) The food at camp ranges from acceptable to pretty tasty. Plus, it's three free meals a day.

3) It's nearly my birthday.

4) Nearly one week done of camp.

5) Today is Friday! Two lovely days off in which I can eat whatever I want!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Orientation Saturday

I had an orientation meeting at work today for the kids' camp that starts on Monday. I'm pleased to say I'm now feeling much more confident about it, and think that it might actually be a lot of fun! It will be a lot of work, and long hours, but not impossible. Plus, the pay plus my regular pay will give me back the savings I'm just about to put down as a bind on the new apartment.

After the orientation, I went out to lunch with a few co-workers and had a good time :)

Today's five things:
1) Getting some good info and feeling more comfortable about the next three weeks.

2) Yummy lunch and getting to know my co-workers better.

3) I squatted 32kg this morning, which is the most I've ever done. Halfway to bodyweight!

4) I was worried about going kayaking tomorrow because I didn't want to start my week of knackered for the first week of camp - but it turns out Monday is only a half day consisting of a welcoming ceremony and placement tests, so I'm all good!

5) Showers are one of the best inventions ever.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Five

Just a quick one on Friday evening. I've had a lovely week off from work before the intensity of Kids' Camp. I think I've found my new home, so hopefully focussing on that, and moving right after camp ends, will help me through. Plus I need the money from camp. You know, to buy a bed a stuff :)

So, today's five things:

1) Sun! The rain stopped for two whole days, the humidity was lower, and the skies were blue. A lovely reprieve from monsoon.

2) Hopefully finding an apartment! I don't want to jinx it, but it should all be finalised on Monday evening.

3) Mum, Dad, and Matt moved to island paradise today! I'm so happy and excited for them and their adventure (not to mention my potential winter getaway!)

4) Potentially very exciting news involving one of my best friends and Korea. Shhhhhh... but fingers crossed for good news next week!

5) Another excellent date with Jay. That boy is growing on me :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shopping in the Rain Tuesday

My lovely mum gave me some money for my birthday (which is in a week and a half). Seeing as I have the week off, and will be too busy around my birthday, I decided to take myself birthday shopping! One problem... it was POURING with rain. I did not give up though! Not even rain can get in the way of shopping :D I wandered into Seoul and spent the day looking, walking, and shopping. It was a really nice day, and by mid-afternoon the rain stopped, so even that didn't ruin it.

The shopping wasn't great, though. I'm totally not into the fashion they have in the proper shops at the moment. I only managed to spend half my money, and most of that was on make-up and jewellery. I found one dress I really liked and got that, but I'm thinking of heading into Gangnam later in the week and doing some shopping in the underground arcade there as they have super cute clothes and there's a cardigan I've had my eye on for ages.

So, here's my loot. I also got some new lipstick (not pictured) and some things like eye-lash curlers, and scary liquid eyeliner.

My new dress. As a side note - how do people live without a full length mirror? The friend's house I'm in doesn't have one... how does she put outfits together?? How can she see if her shoes match?

New hair clip

Just showing off my curly hair

Cute turquoise necklace - I have a thing for turquoise.

Earrings. Duh.

Turquoise bracelet

All of it!
So yes, a lovely day. BUT there will be more shopping :)

Monday, July 22, 2013


What a weekend!
I started off by having snacks and drink with one of the best classes I've ever taught on Friday afternoon. Myself, a few of the other teachers, and 10 of the students got together and had a lovely time at a bar across the street from work. Awesome students, I had so much fun teaching them!

Then... on Sunday it was time for paragliding! Jon and Brian, who I work with, came with me on the trip and we had a blast! The group was awesome, our guide was a lovely guy, and the whole thing was a lot of fun.

Paragliding gang

First, we had to travel for nearly three hours in the van to get to the mountain, but conversation was easy and fun, so it didn't seem to take too long. We rode up to the top of the mountain in a little truck - which was pretty hairy because it was very high and very steep! We made it to the top, had some brief training (don't fall over, don't sit down, and when the man says run, run), and then flew! It was only scary while I waited to take off, but the actual gliding was peaceful and beautiful.

After we'd all had our glide, we went to a big cave and walked through underground tunnels, rivers, and waterfalls. 

Cave map

It was beautiful and the cooler temperature was lovely. However, when we came back up and out, the air felt to hot and wet that Brian asked if we could go swimming. Turns out we could, in a nearby river! So, much splashing and screaming later, we were all cooled down. 

We got changed in the van and then set off home. After stopping on the way for dinner, it turns out the back of the van turned into a big padded bed area, so we all chilled out in there until we were back in Seoul.

 A quick train and bus ride later, I was back home after an awesome day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wet wet wet Wednesday

You guessed it folks! It's raining again! Or still. I guess this is why it's called 'monsoon season'.

Anyway, the final week of summer camp is more than halfway over. I am very much looking forward to my week off. I don't have much planned, but that's sort of the point. I'll probably spend a few days in Seoul, a few days bumming about home, and... I dunno :)

It's been a quite week so far, and here's five things I'm grateful for:

1) Showers. It's so sticky and humid, showering is like  the most awesome thing ever.

2) Weightlifting. It is so much fun and so... empowering. Or something.

3) Bananas. Good raw, good cooked, good frozen... you can bake with them, cook with them, make them into smoothies, and even ice cream. Possibly the best fruit ever.

4) Umbrellas. I'd be awfully wet without it.

5) Steak. That's dinner tonight and I'm looking forward to it.