Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thunderstorm Thursday

It is totally bucketing down. And my lovely silver sandles are falling apart as a result. They might be salvageable with some care and some superglue, but I need new dress sandles, stat! Which is a problem when you're feet are size 9.5-10 and Korean women's shoes only go up o a smallish size 8. However! I have just been informed by google that there is a three story American shoe store in Myeongdong selling a variety of women's shoes up to size 10. So, this Saturday, that's where I'm heading. I'm hopeful they'll have some winter boots too, as the fashion season is just changing. I'd love some boots. But, mostly I need some sandles to wear to work that don't look like casual going to the beach or hiking shoes.

In other news, I've moved into my own apartment.It's lovely! I'll post some pictures as soon as it's finished.

Work's back to normal, new semester, new students, but pretty much the same. In a good way.

The end :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Phew it's Friday!

Wow, what a week! Kid's camp isn't as bad as I had feared, but it sure is a lot of time with pretty young children. I'm not totally exhausted yet, but I am in danger of losing my voice. Haha, I could try teaching using the silent method? Probably not the best idea.

Tomorrow is my birthday! Amy sent me a package, which I'm saving to open :) The suspense!

This week's five things:
1) I signed for my new apartment on Tuesday night! Woohoo! it's going to be awesome.

2) The food at camp ranges from acceptable to pretty tasty. Plus, it's three free meals a day.

3) It's nearly my birthday.

4) Nearly one week done of camp.

5) Today is Friday! Two lovely days off in which I can eat whatever I want!